The Town of Rolesville’s Main Street Project will realign the Burlington Mills Road intersection with Main Street, and make streetscape improvements with landscaping, improve crosswalks, install new curb and gutter, sidewalks, and bicycle transportation enhancements from Burlington Mills Road to Young Street. The original project has expanded to include bringing 42 curb ramps up to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, as well as offsite improvements along the future Wallbrook development (Publix) that includes widening, medians, landscaping, and a 10′ multi-use path.
This project is a realization of the vision established by the Town to create a downtown destination and promote safety, walk-ability, bike-ability, and an engaging business climate along Main Street.
The project represents over $20 million in investment and is supported by funds from the American Rescue Plan Act.
- 57% from federal transportation grant funds ($12 m)
- 20% from the developer of Wallbrook ($4.3 m)
- 23% in local Town of Rolesville funding ($4.9 m)